Hi there.
Today I’m sharing a brief poem based on a true story I heard from a friend of mine. Consider it a small representation of the destabilizing, disembodying fear many in the world have to fear in our political climate thanks to aspects of their identity they have no control over.
Translation: it’s not easy to feel safe in any body. Even less so if you’re black, a woman, queer, alter-abled, or a member of many other marginalized groups.
She got run off the road
And into a ditch
About ten blocks away
From where she lives.
Angel strangers gathered round,
“Are you alright miss?
The man who did this,
I got his license.”
Her car is wrecked
But the other sped away.
Her body is shaken
By a hit and run rage.
And she shuddered to think
What the reason could’ve been
Because she was born
In America with black skin.